Unemployment Takes Another Jab At The Job Market

unemployment helpnotwantedWhat’s your current job status? Are you employed, looking for a new career, desperate to find any job you can get? Approximately 9.5% of the U.S. is unemployed right now. Americans have suffered through a frustratingly difficult job market in recent times.

2010 brought us a ray of hope. After years of ever-increasing unemployment rates and nationwide hiring freezes, people started finding work again. The number of unemployed people throughout the country remained high, but things finally seemed to be on the right track … until June.

A Loss Of Common Census
According to the U.S. Labor Department, America had a net loss of about 125,000 jobs in June 2010. That figure, however, is greatly offset when you see where the majority of those lost jobs originated.

2010 was a census year. Thousands of people went door-to-door to find out how many people lived at a particular residence, and asked questions about each occupant. This was a massive project – census forms were mailed to millions of Americans, but a large number of people required a personal visitor to get the job done. After all this data was collected, it had to be processed by someone.

In June, 225,000 census workers lost their jobs. Of course this was expected – these people were only hired for temporary work – but no matter what the cause, any large loss of jobs is tough to take. Currently, there are still more than 330,000 active census workers. They will be losing their jobs in the near future.

What This Means For Us
Jobs have been very hard to find, and things may not get easier anytime soon. Many financial experts are predicting that the country is primed to experience a “double-dip” recession, meaning we’re heading for tougher times economically.

To make matters worse, this concern is causing employers to hold off on hiring. This could lead to a self fulfilling prophecy: America is worried about another recessions so companies stop hiring, unemployment rises and that helps bring us into another recession.

The Good News
There are some jobs out there – just not as many as any of us would like. Still, the number of job openings is increasing. June looked especially bad due to the loss of census workers, and no one is thrilled with the number of jobs created this year versus the number lost in previous years, but some people see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

So how can you find a job? Be as prepared as possible, and use every resource at your disposal. In this economy you need and edge if you’re one of thousands vying for the same position.

Do you have a job? Are you looking for work? Leave us a comment to share your story, keep your spirits up and thank you for reading the PeopleFinders People Search blog.

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