How to Locate Your High School Sweetheart

high school

High school is a time where kids really become adults. Between learning calculus and applying to jobs, most people had a girlfriend or boyfriend that they were crazy about, someone that they really wanted to spend most of their time with, both inside and outside of school. However, life moves on, and almost nobody actually stayed together with their sweetheart after high school ended. More than likely, you moved to another state, got an internship across the country, enrolled in the military, or did something else that destroyed your chances of being with that person for the rest of your life.

However, it’s likely that you’ve never forgotten them. If it’s been a while and you’re still feeling that interest in them, you might want to find them again, whether it’s just to be friends and reminisce or to build something even deeper. Either way, if you’ve fallen out of touch, you’re going to need to find them again before you can talk. Here are the best and easiest ways.


Ask Around Your Friend Network

Most people keep at least a friend or two after high school. Some people met their best friends in high school, and some met them even earlier and kept them through those four years. However your friend circle ended up being, your high school friends could be the key to finding that lovely person you haven’t seen in some time.

Let your high school friends know that you’re trying to find this person. Assuming they remember the person you’re talking about, they might be able to point you in the right direction; some of your high school friends may have kept in touch with other people from high school that you didn’t. It could end up being as easy as finding out that your best friend has them as a friend on a social media website, or it could be more difficult, and you have to track them through the friend of a friend of a friend. However, either way, if you still have friends you met in high school, start there.


Look Around Social Media

The growth of the Internet has made people much easier to find. Over a billion people use the Internet in one way or another, and many of them are on social media sites, where they leave a trail that’s easy to follow if you have some basic know-how. Even if you don’t have any friends from high school, or none of your friends are connected to that lovely sweetheart you had way back then, you can still definitely find them.

Most forms of social media are set up to make it easier to find other people you may know. They may have places for you to list the places you’ve worked, places you go to frequently, and places you got your education — and that includes high school. Try scrolling through the list of people who went to your high school during the years you were there; it’s something you can find on nearly any social media site. Even if your high school sweetheart isn’t on that list, you may recognize someone who went to school with both of you, and maybe you’ll be able to ask them.


Check Public Records

Public records are one of the easiest ways to find information on someone that you’ve lost contact with. As long as you have their full name, as well as the city and state they live in, you can find a whole wealth of information. All of this information is completely legal to find, and it can help you narrow down your search, if not find them for you outright.

The easiest and most economical way to do this is with PeopleFinders. PeopleFinders does all the hard work for you. As long as you have their name — easy to find in your yearbook, if you don’t remember their first and last name — and the city and state your high school were in, you can find all of the public records that were tied to them for as long as they lived there. Find places they may have moved, criminal records, and even potential phone numbers, all laid out simply for you.


If you want to find that lovely person you’ve been missing for so many years, you’re probably going to need to put in some hard work. But no matter how you have to do it, you can still find them. Use PeopleFinders to get that information fast, so you can spend less time searching and more time catching up.

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