To Catch a Cheater: Signs of an Affair at Any Age

To Catch a Cheater

Many people ask questions like “why do men cheat?” It’s such a common online inquiry that Psychology Today recently published an article titled 13 Reasons Why Men Cheat. Others search the internet using phrases like “How to tell if your girl is cheating.” But according to recent research from the University of Utah, there’s another question we should be asking: “Why do people 55 and older cheat?”

According to the research, approximately 20 percent of married Americans over the age of 55 reported cheating. Alarmingly, most of the people surveyed have been married between 20 and 30 years.

Do you suspect that your spouse or significant other is cheating on you? If so, the holiday season can be the perfect time to find out for sure. During the holiday hustle and bustle, cheaters sometimes get careless and forget to cover their tracks.

Signs of An Affair

Perhaps your spouse’s moods toward you are changing. Maybe their once-dependable routines are suddenly different, or they’re sneaking off for unexplained reasons. These are all signs. Also look for:

  • Secret passwords on phones
  • Leaving the room to text or secretly talk
  • Second social-media accounts you didn’t know (s)he had
  • Gift purchases on credit card statements you’ve never seen

Here are some effective ways to know for sure if your significant other is cheating:

Start Journaling

It’s important to keep a journal and start methodically collecting information. Be on top of everyday things like the mileage on your cars, questionable ATM withdrawals, and little changes to your spouse’s routines. Don’t rush it, and don’t try relying on your memory.

Uncover Mysterious Phone Numbers

Watch for suspicious phone numbers on your spouse’s phone and run background checks on them.

One particularly reputable tool for this is It has one of the most complete public-records databases. In fact, it can retrieve accurate information about the owners of cell phone numbers, landlines, private numbers, and unlisted numbers.

Be Unexpected

Cheating usually takes place when the cheater “knows” their spouse won’t be around. When there’s plenty of alone time, cheaters let their guards down. So find ways to be in places he or she doesn’t expect.

Get A Little Help from Your Friends

Unweaving tangled webs and uncovering hidden truths can get overwhelming. To make it easier on yourself, ask some close friends for help. For example, maybe they’d be willing to drop by a location where your spouse claims to be.

You Deserve the Truth

One of the most painful things you can do is investigate someone you love in order to uncover a possible affair. This is an emotional time in your life, and you certainly want it behind you as quickly as possible. Just remember that patience is key, and that your current stress and heartache won’t last forever. You deserve to know the truth, whether it will end up being a relief or a painful epiphany.

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